Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Special Announcement: Palma Ceia Living Magazine

I was very honored and excited to be in the November issue of Palma Ceia Living magazine. I want to thank Emily Hinsdale and her team for taking the time to meet with me and share a little bit about my story and my appreciation for the neighborhood of Palma Ceia.

Below you will find a full transcript of that article by the editor of Palma Ceia Living, Emily Hinsdale:

"Recently, I had the chance to sit down with a new Palma Ceia resident. Nico Hohman and his wife, Jessica, just moved into the neighborhood and bought their first home together. They grew up in Tampa and picked Palma Ceia because they wanted to be in 'the heart of Tampa.'

"'The architecture of the homes [in Palma Ceia] is definitely the best of any neighborhood in Tampa,' Hohman said. He is well-equipped to make the judgement; Hohman has a real estate license and a construction license that, put together, allow him to help people find an older home in need of some updates and redesign it to meet their own tastes and budget.

"'Not everyone can afford the nicest home in the nicest neighborhood,' Hohman observes. 'While you can't change the neighborhood, you certainly can change your home to make it your perfect home in your perfect neighborhood.'

"Palma Ceia's different home styles - 1920s bungalows sitting next to 2014 two-stories - mean different kinds of residents can enjoy the same neighborhood. Our neighbors include young couples like the Hohmans, or this month's cover family, the Schurs, who can purchase a first home in a pleasant area; growing families in need of plenty of living space; and individuals and couples looking for a smaller space.

"This essentially eclectic scene is, for me, as charming an aspect of our neighborhood as the brick streets. We can incorporate a range of tastes and practical needs and that results in a range of people living here. It keeps things interesting."

To see the original article, see the picture below:

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